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Friday 10 February 2012

Bollywood Dancing: Lesson Four Review

In this lesson, we performed our routines; Ms. Hainstock picked the one she liked the most and we all learned it. We also learnt the rest of the routine and aimed to perfect it.

One by one we all performed our routine to the rest of the class. Ms Hainstock thought Rajan, Sanita and Rashna's Bhangra move was very interesting so we all learnt that and practised the whole routine again. Then we did the bouncy moving movement across the room in order to travel to our places and after that we finished off the routine. After this, we reharsed all of what we have learned and worked on the ending as weren'tsure how to end it. I personally thought, that our routine had a bit too much bhangra in it but I still tried my best. The only problem we were having was that some of us kept forgetting to clap after the 8 beats which made the routine look untidy however, we soon decided that it was best to leave it in and just carried on practising it by counting the beats in mind.

I think that, as a class, we found the "bouncy moving" movement hard becuase some of us were finding it difficult to bounce while moving and punch the air but after practising it, most of us knew how to do it properly. Most of us also found the "punch the air and clap after 8 beats" bit difficult because some of us kept forgeting to do the clap. However, I think we found the rest of the routine really easy and straight foward.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Bollywood Dancing: Lesson Three Reviev

In this lesson we concentrated on developing further our routine by splitting up into groups of 3 and coming up with it ourselves.

In this lesson, we started off by practising what we have learned so far; it took us sometime to get through it once from the beginning as people kept laughing. Once we were through that, we split up into groups of three ( I was with Adriana and Aaron); the task was to come up with the  
moves for the next 8 beats of the song and we had the rest of the lesson to learn it. Adriana and i decided to take some moves from the song 'Dance Pa Chance'and some from 'Salam Namaste'. Unfortunately, although the steps were quite easy, Aaron struggled to learn them; So, we spent the rest of the lesson practising them.

I really enjoyed the bit where we tried to choreograph an 8 beat dance routine because it was very interesting to see which moves fit in with each other and which didn't but it was a bit hard to teach them Aaron however, we think its because he didn't care, so he wasn't even trying.